
Faith has always been an important aspect in my life. It is 100% of the reason why I am and where I am today. A friend of mine posts a devotional on her snapchat every day, and every day, I look forward to it because it’s always something very motivational and inspirational. It’s a great way to start my morning. If I could provide a little bit of that inspiration and love for you guys, that would be amazing!

We are surrounded with so much negativity in this world, but despite that, having faith has helped me see the brighter side of life. It doesn’t completely fix everything but it may help place your foot in the door to make things better, not just for me, but for everyone around me. I don’t want to make this section of the website religious because to me, it’s not about religion, it’s about relationships. Faith can mean a lot of different things, for a lot of different people. It doesn’t just have to be about God, for me it is though. However, I am in no way shape or form going to be preaching to you, because that’s the last thing I want to do. My goal is to inspire and share my everyday struggles on here, in hopes to remind those who are hurting that they are not alone. Quotes, songs, bible verses, etc. will be featured in this section. I would also love to share stories that you have about yourself that you would want to share on here. Have a little faith with me and see the positive changes it will make in your life! <3

23 Replies to “Faith”

  1. Absolutely! One of my many favorite verses from the Bible is; Psalm 136:1 Give thanks unto the Lord. For he is good and his mercies endureth forever. In these terrible times, we have to put God first and cast all our fears and burden unto him.

  2. Happy Birthday! Much success to you! It’s beautiful to see an inspiring young woman willing to lead and set the example for her peers! And yes, faith is everything! Nice blog !

  3. I am so happy that you made this blog!! I am 23 years old myself and it’s nice to know there are other girls out there who share the same faith as me or may be going through similar struggles. I will be looking forward to all of the daily motivational things you will be posting.

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